Beckbury Village Hall
These rates apply from 1 January 2020. All bookings must include set-up and clear-up time. The minimum hire period is one hour.
The hourly charge is £15.00, and your one-off booking will only be confirmed when the payment has been made.
Payment will be required for any damage/breakages caused unless a like-for-like replacement is provided.
Bookings can be cancelled up to 4 weeks before the event, when the whole fee will be reimbursed. After that any refunds will be at the Trustees’ discretion.
Payment can be made online to our bank account:
Sort code: 30-18-55
Account number: 01128936
Please note that we do not have a premises alcohol licence, however users are welcome to arrange their own licence or serve free alcohol.
Please be aware that the hall is not heated constantly, so particularly in the winter you may wish to switch the heating on during booked set-up time. Please remember to turn it off at the end of the booking or you will be charged for any extra oil used.